Youth @ Risk Project
Youth sleep for more than six month on the streets in the US
Are Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender
Our existing homeless assistance system is largely designed for adults.
STITCHES Womens Iniaitives 28056 Palomino Drive
Warren, MI 48093 Phone: 586-873-8034
Stitches has taken on yet another program that has very serious implications
for our future, that of at risk youth. Here are a few of the issues that our youth
deal with sometime on a daily basis. Drug Abuse,Depression, Suicide, Stress,
ADD / ADHD, Alcohol Use, Under-age Drinking, Teen Pregnancy, Behavior
Problems,Bipolar Disorder, Conduct Disorders Smoking, Opposition,Defiant
Disorder, Learning Disability, Eating Disorders, Teen Violence, Gang Statistics,
Gambling, Truancy, Vandalism, Peer Pressure, Anger, School Bullying, STD’s,
Self Esteem and Being Homeless.